Discover the joy of movement

Women Lined up at Dance Class

Our Mission

We're a team of professionals with a passion for helping people move towards better health and connections with others.

We believe that more people should have an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of movement without the extra commute.

We like to move it, move it.

We believe that everyone should experience the benefits of movement, minus the inconvenience of travel and crowded fitness clubs. From corporate wellness to senior mobility, we've got you covered with something for every person!

Dancing in a Line

Who we are

Lunch'n Line Dance is a company that helps people enjoy the benefits of movement through line dancing. We customize our programs to be fun, easy, and effective.

We teach people how to line-dance in a way that's easy to learn and can be done by anyone, regardless of age or physical ability.

Contact us

Lisa Bell Henson RN, MBA

Farmington, AR

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Call: 812-589-3528

Text: 501-453-1234


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